
Voice cracks while singing
Voice cracks while singing

voice cracks while singing

Seeking a Singer - Necessary Information Your post must answer at the following questions at minimum: What kind of experience/equipment level are you looking for? Are you looking just for a singer or do you expect them to come up with a melody or lyrics too? Is this a paid job or a fun hobby project? What's in it for the singer? Are you looking for a singer for one song or a continued collaboration? Posts that fail to do so will be removed. Voice Type Inquiries Must Provide Recording If you make a post posing a question regarding your voice type, provide an audio recording of yourself singing. Do not use r/singing explicitly as ad space for any product or service you sell. Self-Advertise Appropriately Post (a substantial summary of, or) the full content of your blog/video/link, otherwise your post will be removed. As the saying goes, "Don't feed the trolls."įlair Posts Appropriately Inappropriately flaired posts will be subject to flair change or deletion. Whole threads will be removed starting at the first post to not "be excellent," so if you want your comments to stay up, don't participate in anything short of excellence. Users that do not have the best of intentions should not be engaged with and reported. Users are expected to treat others as though everyone has the best of intentions.

voice cracks while singing

Being disrespectful is a ban-able offense. r/singing ChatroomīE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER. In the FAQ you'll find tips on technique and on finding a voice teacher, practicing, and dealing with issues. You can damage your voice or create bad habits by trying to teach yourself, so if you're serious about singing always try to find a good voice teacher.

Voice cracks while singing